Email Address
Phone Number
+32 499 52 55 63
Avenue Brugmann, 10
1060 Bruxelles
+32 499 52 55 63
Avenue Brugmann, 10
1060 Bruxelles
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time
they just have the heart.
In the vision of the ISEV Holding with it”s partners Groups to consider that one of it’s obligation to take rules in the humanity issue, the founders of ISEV Holding and the other partners Groups was taken a decision to establish a humanity Foundation in Switzerland called International Agency for Refugees, Environment and Family Affairs REFAI NGO The objective of this organization is to establish and participate in humanity projects on the refugees and environment and Families including children, orphans, woman, handicap, homeless and young people programs and projects, and to asure the source of financing to this programs and projects , and to cover the need to the realization of this programs and projects the founders decide irrevocably to alocate to REFAI – NGO part of their yearly profits.
Humanitarian emergencies around the world have produced record levels of displacement and human suffering.
Our foundation pursues universally disinterested humanitarian objectives and aims to ensure human dignity for all individuals.
Our means to achieve these goals are provided by our members and strategic partners who guarantee us a return on their investments where humanitarian needs are identified.